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Keynote Speaker on ChatGPT for Your Business

Excited? Scared? Confused? Don't even know what it is yet?

You've probably heard about ChatGPT and AI, and you're probably scared and excited. Your instincts are both correct. Through a speech and/or consulting, I will show you how it can be amazing for your entire business if you learn it before your competition does. I'll tell you a little bit about how it can be scary for the future.

It will also have a dramatic effect on the careers that your children choose, so learn about it before you write next year's tuition check.

You'll also laugh while you're learning it.

ChatGPT and AI for Business - Seminar Description

You've heard the news. ChatGPT was just released in early December, and a million people signed up within a week, faster than any other technology ever. It's both amazing and scary, especially for businesses.

In this session, I’ll show you how it will simplify your life, save you time, save you money, and help you learn faster. Your take-aways will include:

  • what ChatGPT can do, with practical examples you'll use every day
  • increase your productivity by 2-4 times
  • the amazing power of ChatGPT and AI, and its current limitations
  • how ChatGPT will affect each person's job
  • how to prepare for dramatic changes in the future
  • Some AI tools, like DALL-E, and why you shouldn't learn too much of any of them
  • Optional:
    • how it will affect your children's careers, and what to think about before writing the next tuition check
    • how it will affect the world (like a science fiction movie)

and you'll laugh and have fun learning it.

Come and learn about the cutting edge of AI technology, and find out how you can transform your business  before your competition transforms their business.

Other keynote speaker topics on ChatGPT and AI:

Demo video for Keynote Speaker (617)-PATRICK:

My background in Social Media and Internet Marketing:

  • VP of Operations for the search engine that was tied with Google in the year 2000 (Northern Light)
  • Award winning professional speaker, and winner of the National Speaker's Association international championship
  • Consultant in Social Media since 2006
  • 20+ years of training & speaking, many in front of groups over 1000 people
  • Expert in
    • LinkedIn, Youtube, Twitter, and Facebook for business
    • Google ranking
    • Social selling
    • Presentation skills
  • and I'm pretty funny

Keynote speaking clients include:

Your action item:

  • Call me at (617)-PATRICK, i.e. 617-728-7425 or email at patweb@patrickomalley.com
  • See what I can do to help you
    • on the phone
    • for free
    • until you know you need me and want to do business